Colors from Material Design These colors are inspired by bold color statements juxtaposed with muted environments, taking cues from contemporary architecture, road signs, pavement marking tape, and sports courts. Emphasize bold shadows and highlights. Introduce unexpected and vibrant colors. (Taken by Google's color page)

Red #F44336 @bgm-red
Pink #E91E63 @bgm-pink
Purple #9C27B0 @bgm-purple
Deep Purple #673AB7 @bgm-deeppurple
Indigo #3F51B5 @bgm-indigo
Blue #2196F3 @bgm-blue
Light Blue #03A9F4 @bgm-lightblue
Cyan #00BCD4 @bgm-cyan
Teal #009688 @bgm-teal
Green #4CAF50 @bgm-green
Light Green #8BC34A @bgm-lightgreen
Lime #CDDC39 @bgm-lime
Yellow #FFEB3B @bgm-yellow
Amber #FFC107 @bgm-amber
Orange #FF9800 @bgm-orange
Deep Orange #FF5722 @bgm-deeporange
Brown #795548 @bgm-brown
Gray #9E9E9E @bgm-gray
Blue Gray #607D8B @bgm-bluegray
Black #000000 @bgm-black

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